"Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it." - Psalms 127:1

For 20 years, St. Athanasius Church has been a beacon of faith and community. Now, we embark on an exciting journey to construct our new home – a magnificent sanctuary designed by the late architect Ragai Edwards, inspired by Noah’s Ark. This symbol of salvation will soon rise, providing spiritual refuge for more than 250 worshippers, alleviating the congestion of our current, small church.

This new church will not only be a place of worship but also a hub for community recreation, with extended parking facilities to accommodate all who come. As contracts are exchanged and plans take shape, we are blessed to announce that, with your prayers, Australia’s first Noah's Ark-shaped church will be completed by 2025.

However, we need your help. With God’s blessing, we have secured approximately 75% of the necessary funding, but we still face a shortfall of $1 million. We are reminded that just as our Lord Jesus fed thousands with five loaves and two fish, He will provide for the completion of this holy project.

We ask for your prayers, your support, and your generosity. Together, let us build a house for the Lord.
Donate Today and Be Part of This Divine Journey
May God bless you abundantly,

St. Athanasius Church Building Committee
Fr AntoniousGuirguis:
Fr Tedawos Abelmalak :



Donation details:

for a tax deductible receipt , please donate to the account below and contact either Fr. Antonious on 0423000090 or Fr. Tedawos on 0404841050

Account Name : St. Athanasius Church

BSB : 083 004

Acc : 74 501 9160