St. Athanasius Tutoring Academy (SATA)
Register as a Tutor.
Thank you for your interest in registering as a tutor!
The St. Athanasius Tutoring Academy is an initiative started by the youth with the aim of serving our Sunday school children. Our goal is to assist our children with their academic endeavours by creating a safe, and motivational study environment for them at church.
St. Athanasius Church Hall
Monday Nights, 6:00pm - 8:00pm weekly.
These tutoring sessions will be run as informal sessions relying mostly on self-directed learning. Your role as a tutor will be to supervise, monitor and assist children with their homework, assignments and exam study. You will need to ensure that children are focused and remain on-task, and may need to take children aside to assist them from time to time.
More information will be made available once details are finalised. Please proceed below to submit your registration details!
Please keep the service in your prayers, and may God bless and reward your efforts.